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Speaking &

Coaching Opportunities


Group Workshop & Personal Coaching Options

Currently offered via Zoom
Four Hour Workshop  - 1 Hour per Week:
Let's dig deep!
In the four hour / four week workshop, you will experience all the elements of the Oola Framework.
*This option includes a personal PDF workbook for each participant, and a small package.
Participants will have time to reflect on their past 365 days, dive deep into each of the seven Fs of Oola, and really evaluate where they are and where they want to go. There will be more in-depth training on goal setting and action-step taking. We will also discuss two more important facets of Oola: Oola Blockers & Oola Accelerators.
After this workshop, your participants will leave with a clear vision and concrete steps to implement their Oola Plan and truly grab their Oola Life!

Personal Coaching Programs

We all have dreams of what we want to accomplish in life. But what stops us? Work, family, financial pressures, and the hectic pace of our daily lives gets in the way.
​If you’ve forgotten what it’s like to dream big and passionately pursue something you want to do… if you wish you had a friend and mentor who thinks like you and who can inspire you to achieve big goals… if you need someone who can guide you to the people, strategies, and resources you’re looking for… 
The Oola Coaching Program is for YOU!
Contact me for your FREE 30 minute discovery call so we can find the best program for you.

10 Week  Coaching Program

Truly, the BEST of Oola!
This coaching program comes with a PDF booklet and a small package from me.
You will go in-depth into all 7 Fs of Oola, be guided through the Oola Wheel to asses your current place in life, then fully plot your course to success with the Oola Plan and the Oola Path.
I'll be there with weekly check-in sessions to guide you through.

3 Week Coaching 


Oola Jump Start

This coaching program comes with a PDF booklet and a small package from me.
Begin with the Oola Wheel to find your starting point, then plot your course to success with the Oola Plan and Oola Path. I will check in with you on a weekly basis to guide you through.
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